Differential and integral calculus, Vol.I by Piskunov, N. Language: English Publisher: New Delhi CBS Publishers & Distributors 1974Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library
[Call number: 515.33 PIS/D]
(27). Items available for reference: Central Library
[Call number: 515.33 PIS/D]
(1). Checked out (2).
Differential and integral calculus, Vol.II by Piskunov, N. Language: English Publisher: New Delhi CBS Publishers & Distributors 1974Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library
[Call number: 515.33 PIS/D]
(29). Items available for reference: Central Library
[Call number: 515.33 PIS/D]
Thomas' Calculus by Thomas, George B | Weir, Maurice D | Hass,Joel. R. Edition: 12th ed. Language: English Publisher: New Delhi Pearson 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library
[Call number: 515 THO/C]
(27). Items available for reference: Central Library
[Call number: 515 THO/C]
(1). Checked out (1). Damaged (1).
Vector analysis and an introduction to tensor analysis by Lipschutz, Seymour | Spellman, Dennis | Spiegel, Murray R. Edition: 2nd ed. Language: English Publisher: New Delhi McGraw Hill Education 2009Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library
[Call number: 515.63 LIP/V]
(14). Items available for reference: Central Library
[Call number: 515.63 LIP/V]
Basic multivariable calculus by Marsden, Jerrold E | Tromba, Anthony J | Weinstein, Alan. Language: English Publisher: New Delhi Springer-Verlag 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library
[Call number: 515 MAR/B]
(13). Items available for reference: Central Library
[Call number: 515 MAR/B]
(1). Checked out (1).
A course in calculus and real analysis by Ghorpade, Sudhir R | Limaye, Balmohan V. Language: English Publisher: New Delhi Springer 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library
[Call number: 515 GHO/C]
(29). Items available for reference: Central Library
[Call number: 515 GHO/C]
Partial differential equations for scientists and engineers by Farlow, Stanley J. Language: English Publisher: New York Dover Publications 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library
[Call number: 515.353 FAR/P]
(4). Items available for reference: Central Library
[Call number: 515.353 FAR/P]
Calculus for scientists and engineers: an analytical approach by Joshi, K. D. Language: English Publisher: New Delhi Narosa Publishing House 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library
[Call number: 515 JOS/C]
(11). Items available for reference: Central Library
[Call number: 515 JOS/C]
(1). Checked out (1).
A course in multivariable calculus and analysis by Ghorpade, Sudhir R | Limaye, Balmohan V. Language: English Publisher: New York Springer 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library
[Call number: 515 GHO/C]
(13). Items available for reference: Central Library
[Call number: 515 GHO/C]
(1). Checked out (1).
Real analysis: modern techniques and their applications by Folland, Gerald B. Edition: 2nd ed. Language: English Publisher: New York John Wiley & Sons 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library
[Call number: 515.8 FOL/R]
(2). Items available for reference: Central Library
[Call number: 515.8 FOL/R]
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Elementary analysis: the theory of calculus by Ross, Kenneth A. Edition: 2nd ed. Language: English Publisher: New York Springer 2013Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library
[Call number: 515 ROS/E]
(1). Checked out (3).
Geometric algorithms and combinatorial optimization by Grotschel, Martin | Lovasz, Laszlo | Schrijver, Alexander. Edition: 2nd corrected ed. Language: English Publisher: Berlin Springer-Verlag 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library
[Call number: 516.13 GRO/G]
(3). Items available for reference: Central Library
[Call number: 516.13 GRO/G]
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Partial differential equations: an introduction by Strauss, Walter A. Edition: 2nd ed. Language: English Publisher: United States of America -- Wiley -- 2007Availability: Items available for reference: Central Library
[Call number: 515.353 STR/P]
(1). Checked out (4).