Knutson, Douglas

Counseling in a Gender- Expansive World: Resources to Support Therapeutic Practice - United States of America -- Rowman & Littlefield -- 2022 - xvii, 234p.

1. Building an understanding of gender

2. Exploring your gender identity

3. Gender identity and the intersectional self

4. Gender identity and lifespan development

5. Gender identity and geographic location

6. Relationship building

7. Assessment and diagnosis frameworks

8. Ethics and professional standards

9. Transition, care teams, and clinical process

10. Resources and letter writing

11. Affirmative work in various settings

12. Partners and families

13. Groups

14. Sex, sexuality, and romantic attraction / Dannie Klooster

15. Supervision

"Provides practical, real-life suggestions and interventions to help therapists, supervisors, and trainees increase in their competence and confidence in working with transgender and gender-expansive clients"-- Provided by publisher


Social Sciences
Gender or Sex
Counselor and client
Cultural competence

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