Kushilevitz, Eyal

Communication complexity - United Kingdom -- CUP -- 2006 - xiii, 189p.


Part I. Two-Party Communication Complexity:

1. Basics;

2. More on covers;

3. Randomization;

4. Advanced topics;

Part II. Other Models of Communication:

5. The communication complexity of relations;

6. Multiparty communication complexity;

7. Variable partition models;

Part III. Applications:

8. Networks, communication, and VLSI;

9. Decision trees and data structures;

10. Boolean circuit depth;

11. More boolean circuit lower bounds;

12. Time and space;

13. Randomness;

14. Further topics;

Index of notation;

Appendix. Mathematical background;

Answers to selected problems;



This book surveys the mathematical theory of communication complexity, concentrating on the question of how much communication is necessary for any particular computing process. Applications of the theory include computer networks, VLSI circuits and data structures.


Computer science
Information theory

004.6 KUS/C