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Textbook of cultural psychiatry

By: Bhugra, Dinesh | Bhui, Kamaldeep
Material type: TextTextLanguage: English Publisher: United Kingdom -- CUP -- 2018Edition: 2nd edDescription: xvii, 665pISBN: 9781316628508Subject(s): Cross-cultural studies | Cultural diversity | Cultural psychiatry | Internet Resources | Manners and customs | Mental disordersDDC classification: 616.89 BHU/T Summary: Cultural psychiatry deals with the impact of culture on causation, perpetuation and treatment of patients suffering with mental illness. The role of culture in mental illness is increasingly being recognised, and the misconceptions that can occur as a result of cultural differences can lead to misdiagnoses, under or over-diagnosis. This second edition of the Textbook of Cultural Psychiatry has been completely updated with additional new chapters on globalisation and mental health, social media and tele-psychiatry. Written by world-leading experts in the field, this new edition provides a framework for the provision of mental health care in an increasingly globalised world. The first edition of the Textbook of Cultural Psychiatry was commended in the BMA Book Awards in 2008 and was the recipient of the 2012 Creative Scholarship Award from the Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture.
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Cultural psychiatry deals with the impact of culture on causation, perpetuation and treatment of patients suffering with mental illness. The role of culture in mental illness is increasingly being recognised, and the misconceptions that can occur as a result of cultural differences can lead to misdiagnoses, under or over-diagnosis. This second edition of the Textbook of Cultural Psychiatry has been completely updated with additional new chapters on globalisation and mental health, social media and tele-psychiatry. Written by world-leading experts in the field, this new edition provides a framework for the provision of mental health care in an increasingly globalised world. The first edition of the Textbook of Cultural Psychiatry was commended in the BMA Book Awards in 2008 and was the recipient of the 2012 Creative Scholarship Award from the Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture.

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