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Bernier, Francois Smith, Vincent

Travels in the Mogul Empire: A.D. 1656-1668 - 2nd ed. - New Delhi -- Atlantic publishers -- 2025

The book Travels in the Mogul Empire A. D. 1656-68 by Francois Bernier continues to remain as important and popular as it was in 1671, when its English edition was published. John Dryden, the famous poet and dramatist, drew his inspiration for his last and perfect tragedy Aurang-zebe from the same book. Francois Bernier, being a physician, had an unlimited access. In Mughal India, he could go anywhere from South to North. This freedom of movement combined with his powers of observation adds authority to his narrative. His account of various events during Mughal regime is interesting, because it not only deals with Shah Jahan and his children, their intrigues and battles for the throne but it also deals with subjects like reception of ambassadors; upbringing of princes ; bravery of Uzbec women; beauty of Kashmiri women; fishes in the Verinag pool ; price of wine ; living conditions in the cities of Agra, Delhi and Lahore; flattery in Mughal court; corrupt officials ; wealth of the Mughals and condition of the peasants, etc. The translation by Archibald Constable is revised by the famous historian Vincent A. Smith. As a source book for the condition in India during the days of the Mughal rule, this book has no rival.


Mughal Empire.
Mughal Emperor
Early works

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