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Habib, Irfan

The national movement, part 2: the struggle for freedom, 1919-1947 - 2nd. ed. - New Delhi -- Tulika Books -- 2022 - ix, 168p. - A People's History of India, 31 .

This volume takes up the story of the Indian National Movement from 1919 when the first nationalist struggle took place on an all-India scale. It brings the Satyagraha against the Rowlatt Act, engraved in national memory by the slaughter at Jallianwala Bagh. The work ends with August 1947 when India finally attained independence. The volume stresses the importance of the ideological factor, seen in the growth of communalism that ultimately led to the Partition of the country along with independence.


Politics and government
Independence movements
British occupation

954.035 HAB/N

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