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Habib, Irfan

Economic history of India, AD 1206-1526: the period of the Delhi Sultanate and the Vijayanagara empire - 4th ed. - New Delhi -- Tulika Books -- 2022 - x, 125p.

1. The Agrarian Order under the Delhi Sultanate, 1206-1398

*Agrarian conditions in the preceding period

*Agriculture during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries

*Agrarian classes

*Agrarian taxation

*The administrative framework: The Iqt̲a ̓ System

2. Towns, manufactures, trade and finance, 1206-1398


*Urban classes: the slaves and the free

*Non-agricultural production



*Money and prices

3. The fifteenth century, 1398-1526

*The political environment

*Agrarian economy and society of Northen India

*Towns, labour and trade

*A regional economy: The Vijayanagara Empire


This volume is devoted to the economic and social history of India from the 13th to the 15th century. The book consists of three long chapters, divided into numerous sub-chapters. The first chapter describes the agrarian order during the main period of the Delhi Sultanate (1206-1398), while the second chapter delves into the urban economy and trading world of the same period. The third chapter deals with the fifteenth century, 1398-1526, a period of political divisions. While describing the economy and social structure in north India during the century, the chapter pays special attention to conditions in the Vijayanagara Empire, which flourished during this period in south India. A special feature of the volume, as with others in the series, is the inclusion of long extracts from sources and technical and bibliographical notes appended to each chapter.


Economic conditions

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