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Bishop, David M.

Group theory and chemistry - United Kingdom -- Dover Publications -- 1993 - xvi, 300p.

1. Symmetry

2. Symmetry operations

3. Point groups

4. Matrices

5. Matrix representations

6. Equivalent and reducible representations

7. Irreducible representations and character tables

8. Representations and quantum mechanics

9. Molecular vibrations

10. Molecular orbital theory

11. Hybrid orbitals

12. Transition metal chemistry

App. I: Character tables

Concise, self-contained introduction to group theory and its applications to chemical problems. Symmetry, symmetry operations, point groups, matrices, matrix representations, equivalent and reducible representations, irreducible representations and character tables, representations and quantum mechanics, molecular vibrations, molecular orbital theory, hybrid orbitals, and transition metal chemistry. Advanced-undergraduate/graduate level. 1973 edition.


Physical chemistry
Group theory

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