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Chaleff, Andy

The wounded healer: a journey in radical self-love - United States of America - Koehler Books - 2020 - xv, 241p.

"Do you accept and love yourself--fully and completely, with no judgment, holding nothing back? What blocks you from doing so? How would you experience life differently if you were able to do so? The Wounded Healer is one man's journey to answer these questions. After his first book, The Last Letter, Andy Chaleff took a leap of faith. He dropped everything and drove alone for three months coast-to-coast across the US. In dozens of sessions, he asked people the same question: If you knew someone in your life would die tomorrow and you had one last chance to express feelings to him or her, what would you say? You are now Andy's travel companion. As he confronts his deepest fears, demons, and critical inner voice, see your own struggle with self-acceptance reflected in his. As he breaks through inner blocks and learns to love himself, find your pathway to the same acceptance. With humility and vulnerability, Andy invites you to embark on your own journey to find liberation through the power of radical self-love."--Publisher



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