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Albrecht, Steve

The safe library: keeping users, staff, and collections secure - United States of America -- Rowman & Littlefield -- 2023 - xxiii, 171p.

* What they don't teach you in library school: security matters, talking helps

* Training library staff in service, safety, and security: focus on the need premise

* Preventing harassment of library staff: responding to sexual or racial behaviors by patrons

* Better responses for patrons dealing with homelessness: an empathy-driven understanding

* Dealing with patrons with mental health and substance use disorders: behavioral and medical events

* The top ten most challenging patrons

* Working safely in a rural location: the one-employee or micro-staff library

* An armed attacker in the library: rare, catastrophic, and survivable

* The need for new responses at your library: police officers and security guards

* A plan for library emergencies: medical events, fires and beyond

* Appendixes: additional security tools

* Appendix A. Sample security incident report format

* Appendix B. Inspection days

* Appendix C. The need for a visitor/vendor access policy

* Appendix D. The perils of the parking lot

* Appendix E. Safe library events

"This book provides advice and support to help library employees best deal with sexually harassing patrons, unruly groups of students, gang members, thieves, Internet hogs, and others who can disrupt the safe library environment"-- Provided by publisher


Library and information sciences
Maintenance and preservation
Library buildings Safety measures

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